Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 5

Sunday, January 28, 2007


This is where VHs' activities are aggregated. VHs1 are not allowed to visit this site. ++

This is where virtual housemates (VHs) mingle with each other, BigBad Kuya (BBK), and guests1. VHs are encouraged to post at least once for each visit.

There are different categories in this boards:
Season 5 - the topmost category is for the current PBBFG season. It has one board, with eight sub-boards:Facade for pre-PBBFG activities; Garden, Swimming Pool and Backyard for special tasks, activities and challenges; Confession and Diary Rooms for game-related and real life updates, respectively; Living Room for 'everything under the roof' discussions; Prayer Room, Bedrooms and Bathroom for personal talks; Dining Room, Kitchen and Comfort Room for household councils and game-related discussion; and Storage Room - for YM conversations transcripts and messages duplicates

Ex-VHs Lodge - for evicted virtual housemates or ex-VHs

PBB Fantasy Game - includes 'Open House' where former virtual housemates from previous seasons mingle with each other, and the four boards of previous seasons.

Pinoy Big Brother - dedicated for the TV reality-show where this fantasy-reality online game is based from.

Outside World - includes boards for general discussions

VHs are not allowed to post in areas exclusive for guests2 or to discuss posts made by guests anywhere3. Exclusive areas include all threads under the PBBFG Season 5 sub-boards, and Open House board. ++

VHs and guests can interact in PBBFG Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 boards, and Pinoy Big Brother and Outside World categories however they cannot talk about the current season. VHs and guests cannot about the current season anywhere. ++

Each VH has to create one thread for his/her confessions or game-related updates. Confessions can be a summary of his/her conversation with a co-VH or VHs. It should include the name of co-VH/s, topics discussed, time and medium used e.g. Yahoo Messenger, e-mail, Friendster etc.

VHs are required to post transcripts of his/her Yahoo Messenger (or others, e.g. Google Talk etc.) conversations with and messages received from co-VH/s in the Storage Room. ** (once/nomination - reward)

Confessions can also be a reaction to a VH's blog, diary entry or confession, a commentary on what is happening in the virtual house (vHouse) or a reflection on an activity, nomination and eviction.

VHs are required to confess at least once per week until DAY 49 (Week 7) and twice per week starting DAY 50. ++++

The minimum length of each confession is 100 words. VHs cannot flood. They may only confess once per day. Editing is discouraged and should be avoided. +

Shout outs and direct messages to co-VHs and guests are prohibited. +

VHs may do joint or group confessions.

Each VH has to create one thread for his/her diary or real life updates. Diary entries may include reflections, activities in school/work or at home, commentary on current events etc.

VHs are required to make a diary entry at least once per week until DAY 49 (Week 7) and twice per week starting DAY 50. ++++

Minimum length of each diary entry is 100 words. VHs cannot flood. They may only confess once per day. Editing is discouraged and should be avoided. +

Shout outs and direct messages to co-VHs and guests are prohibited. +

VHs may create a joint or group diary.

Personal blog is non-requisite. ** (once/nomination - reward)

BBK may communicate with the VHs through PBBFG Board, Friendster, e-mail or Yahoo Messenger.

This is where online users interact. VHs and guests cannot talk about the current game. +

VHs must perform special tasks, activities and challenges given by BBK. These can be found in the Garden, Swimming Pool and Backyard.

VHs who fails to complete a special task or an activity is penalized. ++ (once/nomination - penalty)

Best activity is rewarded. color=Red]***[/color] (once/nomination - reward)

VHs are allowed to initiate their own activity. * (once/nomination - reward)

VHs must inform BBK about a co-VH's mishaps immediately. VHs taking a vacation must inform BBK and the VHs how long he/she is to leave.

A minimum of 200-word-diary entry is required to VHs who suffered accident, illness or had a vacation. ++ (once/nomination - penalty)

VHs are given the chance evict a co-VH/s during a nomination.

Nomination Process:
1. VHs are given six (6) nomination points: four evicting points (4 EP) and two saving points (2 EP)
2. A VH must assign 4 EP to a co-VH he/she wants to evict and 2 SP to a co-VH he/she wants to stay in the vhouse.
3. A maximum of 20-character-codename and a minimum of 3-sentence-justification for 4 EP and 2 SP votes are required.
4. Whoever violates a nomination rule, refuses to nominate or fails to nominate on time is penalized. ++++ In addition, his/her ballot is invalidated.

The VH with the highest net point of (reward, penalty and nomination points) becomes the evictee.

The VH with the lowest net point beccomes the HH. He/she is tasked to report violations committed by her/his co-VHs. As a HH, he/she gets reward-honorary points in the next nomination. ***

VHs are given an Immunity at the start of the game which they can use during a nomination. Immunity is non-transferable and can only be used once in the entire game. It is only valid before the Big Four.

Nomination points (EP and SP) received by an immune VH in a nomination are nullified.

Using explicit, obscene or vulgar language or graphics anywhere will not be tolerated. ++

Any form of confrontation outside the Dining Room, Kitchen and Comfort Room is considered as violence. ++
Plotting against co-VHs (game strategy) is allowed. However, dishonoring BBK can be considered as plotting. ++

VHs may inform BBK any plotting against Him and violations done by their co-VHs. ** (once/nomination - reward)

VHs may be forcibly evicted by: 1. failure to perform three successive activities, 2. deliberate violation of house rules, 3. plotting against BBK.

A VH who plans to leave the game must first inform BBK though a confession. It must contain a justification on the VH’s reason to leave.

VHs who quit after Day 30 may not be replaced.

Penalty Points
4 EP - ++++
2 EP - ++
1 EP - +

Reward Points
3 SP - ***
2 SP - ***
1 SP - *

1 in-house VH
2 any User other than you and in-house VH
3 Internet

BBK may add new rules anytime.



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