Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 5

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"With no sense at all..." -Anne

I hate this new rule that we need to post at least two entries of confession and diary in a week... this is not working for me because i tend to have a confession or diary which is long and will reach the 100 words requirement but with no sense at all... there will be no substance because we tend to just make it long... i will just react on the latest eviction... the latest nomination results are extremely unexpected! nizzie is supposed to be not the evictee...we had a mistake and we had misunderstanding regarding the votings... but despite the results i hope the friendship gained through this fantasy game will still remain and still we should have communications...i know she is quite mad at us now but this will eventually pass and we will again be good friends even though we dont really know each other personally...hmm...till here...ciao!

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